Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Freedom Summer Murders ~Don Mitchell

The Freedom Summer Murders is a nonfiction book by Don Mitchell illustrating the lives of three Civil Rights Workers who were brutally killed in Mississippi by the Ku Klux Klan. We learn about the lives of the two white victims, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, along with the black victim James Chaney and what led them to Mississippi during Freedom Summer 1964. They were all so young and innocent. They had plans for a desegregated world with equal rights and opportunities for all. We are presented with a lot of information on the Civil Rights Movement’s effect on the people and the government. We learn how these murders were treated for decades as lesser than.

This is the first nonfiction book that I have read for myself and not an assignment or other reason. It was such an eye opening story. And the photography gave an even more vivid representation of what was happening during this time. The interviews from the family members of the victims are heartwrenching. The brutality that they endured during their final moments would make the strongest of persons feel for them. The story certainly made me appreciate the world we live in now and sympathize with the minorities who are still dealing with such racism and prejudice.

Pages: 256 Rate 5/5

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