Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Blind ~ Rachel DeWoskin

When Emma Sasha Silver loses her eyesight in a nightmare accident, she must relearn everything from walking across the street to recognizing her own sisters to imagining colors. One of seven children, Emma used to be the invisible kid, but now it seems everyone is watching her. And just as she's about to start high school and try to recover her friendships and former life, one of her classmates is found dead in an apparent suicide. Fifteen and blind, Emma has to untangle what happened and why  - in order to see for herself what makes life worth living. 

*Minor Spoilers*

Emma is such a complex character who may have originally been simple but is now just trying to cope with being blind by searching for answers in everything around her. She just wishes to go back to her life, before she was blind, be invisible, hang out with her best friend, and make sense of the world. Which isn't that what we are trying to do in some way or another?

DeWoskin portrayed coming to terms with blindness and learning how to survive while being blind so wonderfully. It really allowed you to understand her mindset, how she "saw" the world, what darkness and color meant to her. She had a new found insight that further set her apart from the world, making being "normal" even harder. 

The relationships between Emma and each of her seven siblings was also beautifully done. I have ten siblings, so I get how the relationships differ, your love differs even when you love them equally, it's different. It was described wonderfully. 

I also enjoyed the friendship that she had with her best friend Logan. They'd known each other since grade school, had a rule book that they followed, and Logan was there for her after the accident. 

I loved so much of this book but I think that much of it wasn't needed. The plot wasn't really explicitly determined. I feel that there were many plots. Which is wonderful at times if they are delved into equally but I feel that they weren't treated fairly. The fight with Logan, which in the end was resolved, but still left with out the discussion that would be the resolution. Her crush on Zach, just ended. We never learn more about what amounted between her and Coltrane. There was just so much that was left undetermined, too many questions. 

Pages: 394                                                                                         Rate:3/5

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