Monday, March 5, 2018

the sun and her flowers ~ rupi kaur

Book Review:
I could rave about Rupi Kaur's poetry for days. I loved her first collection, milk and honey, and this was no different. I did not want to put the book down. I read and reread the poems many times before moving on to the next poem. I analyzed the words compared to the beautiful, yet minimal sketches that she includes on the various pages. I was beyond happy with this collection. 

My favorite poems were probably "introvert" and another one that didn't have a name but is on page 223. They both come with sketches and those images just really amplify the messages that each poem is trying to convey. 

The collection is the perfect infusion of feminism, mental health awareness, and self-love. 

Pages: 256                                                                                                                                 Rate: 5/5

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