Monday, November 30, 2015

It's Kind Of A Funny Story ~ Ned Vizzini

Ambitious New York City teenager Craig Gilner is determined to succeed at life - which means getting into the right high school to get into the right college to get the right job. But once Craig aces his way into Manhattan's Executive Pre-Professional High School, the pressure becomes unbearable. He stops eating and sleeping until, one night, he nearly kills himself. 

Craig's suicidal episode gets him checked into a mental hospital, where his new neighbors include a transsexual sex addict, a girl who has scarred her own face with scissors, and the self-elected President Armelio. There, Craig is finally able to confront the sources of his anxiety. 

Book Review:

Going in to this book I was expecting a valid portrayal of mental illness because I knew that Vizzini suffered from mental illness himself. I was not wrong. I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I have yet to really pinpoint the exact triggers or how to cope in certain situations but I feel that I am in a good place, not that I have every been in as bad of a place as our main character, Craig. I was really happy with the mental conflicts within Craig. I loved the backstory, where we learn how his illness developed. 

Vizzini's writing style is incomparable to anyone else. I have yet to read a story with a character suffering, at this extent, from mental illness, that is so raw and emotionally draining and impactful. It really was just an amazing read. 

Pages: 444                                                                                    Rate: 5/5

Book Discussion: SPOILERS!!!

The friendships that Craig had before admitting himself into the hospital, in my opinion, were his greatest downfall. He thought that he was in love or at least had the biggest crush on his best friends girlfriend. His best friend barely had parents and threw parties and did drugs all of the time. Yes, all of these people were smart, but sometimes, intellectual abilities don't make the best people. 

The friendships that he made in the hospital, though strange and probably not life long, were good for him. They allowed him to heal. He was able to face his "tentacles," find his "anchor," and finally eat without being sick. That may be because of the environment and the being back on his medications, but either way, he was able to manage his mental illness, which is all that you can do. 

His family was also really sweet. His mother was a little overbearing. His father was a bit cynical. They both really loved him though and really would do anything to help him. His little sister was great. I loved that relationship. They knew each other so well 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Carry On ~ Rainbow Rowell

Simon Snow is the worst Chosen One who's ever been chosen. 

That's what his roommate, Baz, says. And Baz might be evil and a vampire and a complete git, but he's probably right.

Half the time, Simon can't even make his hand work, and the other hand, he sets something on fire. His mentor's avoiding him, his girlfriend broke up with him, and there's a magic-eating monster running around wearing Simon's face. Baz would be having a field day with all this, if he were here - it's their last year at Watford School of Magicks, and Simon's infuriating nemesis didn't even bother tbaz waso show up. 

Book Review:

For those of you who don't know, my favorite book this year, so far, was Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I really resonated with Cath, the main character. The life she was living throughout the story, though full of turmoil and confusion, was beautiful in so many other ways. Her struggle with anxiety and lack of relationship experience was all too real for me, as well. 

I was skeptical when contemplating if I wanted to read Carry On or not. This book is the fanfiction book that Cath writes in Fangirl. I loved the little snipets of it that we are able to read throughout Fangirl but I wasn't sure that a full novel surrounding it would be worth my time, in all honesty.

I loved it!! I loved that there were parallels to the Harry Potter series; yet, there was a complete new world of magic.  I don't that I would want 7 books and 8 movies with this story but I loved it either way. It was just a really fun read.

Book Discussion; SPOILERS!!!!

I have never read a story with a homosexual main character, not for any particular reason, it just never happened. Baz was outwardly gay from his introduction all of the way until the end. Simon on the other hand never seemed to portray any homosexual desires until farther into the book. I speculate that he may be Bisexual because I do think that he really cared for Agatha, his previous girlfriend, but it never was definitively stated. In all honesty, I love his relationship with Baz. They hated each other for so long but when it comes down to it they know that they can completely trust the other. They are just way to cute!!

I also really loved Simon and Penelope's friendship. They have known each other since they both started at Watford. She spends the night in his room, they tell each other everything, it would seem like they would make the perfect couple, but that isn't what it is about for them. They don't even have an inkling of romantic infatuation for one another They really are the best of friends and I hope that one day I can find a male friend like that, one whom I trust that completely but have no romantic feelings for.

Favorite Quote:

"At Watford, Magic is just the air that we breathe. It's not what separates us from each other; it's what keeps us together."


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Book Tag Tuesday: Would You Rather?

I do not plan on doing a book tag every Tuesday. When I find a tag that I find interesting, I will do it, and post it for the next available Tuesday. Do not expect one every Tuesday!!!

Would you rather read only a series or stand-alone books?
This is difficult for me to answer because I love so many of both. If I had to choose... I think that I would choose to read series, mainly because I get so attached to characters and worlds and series allow me to live in them longer. 

Would you rather read a book whose main character is male or female?
I usually gravitate towards a book with a female protagonist because I can more readily relate to a female, as I am one myself. But don't get me wrong, some of m favorite books have male protagonists. For example one of my favorite stand-alones, Looking For Alaska by John Green, has a male main character. My all time favorite series, Harry Potter by JK Rowling, has a male main character.

Would you rather shop at only Barnes & Nobel (or other actual book store) or Amazon?
There is no doubt in my mind that I would choose Barnes & Nobel (or other actual book store). I love being in a book store surrounded by others who love books. 

Would you rather all books become movies or TV shows?
Movies. With TV shows there is so much more of a chance for the story to be messed with, for the beauty of the book to be lost.

Would you rather read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
If I had the time to read 5 books per week my life would be amazing!!! Lately, I barely have time to read 5 pages per week with the amount of homework that I have.

Would you rather be a professional book reviewer or author?
Author. I haven't found my voice in my writing yet, but author definitely.

Would you rather read the same 20 books over and over or read a new book every 6 months?
This one is probably the toughest question on here.... a new book every 6 months. Even though I read quickly, I would just reread that book a couple of times. LOOPHOLES!!!!

Would you rather be a librarian or own a book store?
This one was easy for me. I have wanted to own a book store for as long as I can remember. I even have the layout in my head. 

Would you rather only read your favorite genre or favorite author?
Favorite genre because then I could discover new favorite authors. 

Would you rather only read physical books or ebooks?
I love both so much but if I had to choose I would definitely pick physical books because there is just something about holding a book in your hand that makes your day so much better.

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire ~ Dan Howell and Phil Lester

In your hands is a book created by two awkward guys who share their lives on the Internet.

We are Dan and Phil, and we invite you on a behind-the-scenes journey into our world!

In here you will discover:
+ Stories from Phil's teenage diary and all the reasons why Dan's a fail
+ Advice on how to make YouTube videos
+ How to draw the perfect cat whiskers
+ Which of our dining room chairs represents you emotionally
+ The story of the time we met One Direction and what really happened in Vegas...


(Even if you never read this, it's a cool-looking coaster, right?)

Book Review:

I finished this book a few days ago but have been unable to write a review because I couldn't even put my thoughts into coherent sentences due to the amazing voice of the two authors, Dan Howell and Phil Lester. I have watched their YouTube videos for a few years now and I feel like their voices and attitudes transferred in such a spot on way in this book! I really loved that it was a continuous dialogue between the two of them, just like a "Phil is not on fire" video. 

Now, besides the voice of the book, I loved so much more!! For example, the construction of this book is great!!! Yes, I do know how nerdy that just sounded! Do not judge me! But really though, the pages are beautifully structured with amazing backgrounds, photographs, and the color is impeccable. I love it when I can get a book like this and just think, "it's an adult picture book!" Maybe I am so appreciative of this construction because I watched their behind the scenes video from making it, and I saw all of the hard work that they put into it, but in all honesty, it truly is amazing!

I also really enjoyed the fun elements that they put into it, like the chair quiz or the Going Deep With Dan and Phil sections. I have to admit though, my favorite page was the Existential Crisis page of Dan's. Being as it is senior year for me, I am having about 100 existential crisis a day!!!! Seriously, I need help!!

Pages: 224                                                                               Rate: 5/5

Book Discussion:

There will be no discussion for this book because writing a discussion for any type of memoir is so hard for me. 

Favorite Quote:

"The Existential Crisis Hallway. Why do we exist? What is existence? What is the point of anything? Why? Does my life really matter outside of myself? Death is inevitable. We are all alone. The privilege of freedom is overwhelming. Ignorance is bliss. Consciousness is merely a biological process. Time extends before and after my life. Purposes are distractions and vice versa. What's forr lunch? Infinity is incomprehensible. Help."

Monday, November 2, 2015

Conquering Chaos ~ Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra

Since Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Batltierra shared their story of teen pregnancy and adoption on MTV's 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom, they've been known for their inspiring commitment to growing up right. How did two trouble making kids from the trailer park turn into positive role models? How did two childhood sweethearts build a long lasting relationship? How did placing their first child up for adoption teach them how to break away from bad influences? What really happened when the cameras weren't there? In their debut book, Catelynn and Tyler leave out nothing. From their wild behavior before appearing on MTV to their experiences with adoption, Catelynn and Tyler lay it all out on the table. 

Open, honest, raw, and real, Conquering Chaos is an incredible look at two young people who beat the odds and took the right path. 

Book Review: 

I was not an avid viewer of 16 & Pregnant or Teen Mom, but like most teenagers I am an avid internet kid; therefore, I knew of them all. I have watched a few episodes here and there, enough to understand each of the couples' and children's stories, but the only ones that really resonated with me were Catelynn and Tyler. Part of this is because I have seen people get pregnant young and keep their children, so the other stories just didn't have the same sense of wonder and mystery as Cate and Tyler's. I knew the struggle that came with it. The adoption process and the choice to get there really intrigued me, plus Cate and Tyler are so cute together that who can resist loving them?

I loved hearing about their terrifying upbringings, full of addiction, loss, trouble, drugs, alcohol, sex, single parents, etc in this book. I also really loved that they each gave their own account of the situations that they were discussing. Reading their stories, I had a further understanding of why they made the decision to place Carly in adoption (this is how you are supposed to say it!) I have so much respect for their courageousness, their selflessness, and their determination in such a terrifying and emotional time of their lives. They made the only decision that they thought that they could for Carly. It's really a beautiful and emotional story. 

I also love that throughout this novel they were able to educate us on the different bits of the adoption process, like the types of adoption, the interviews with parents, and so on. I'm so glad that they use their story to inspire and help others through their speaking engagements (if I ever get the chance I would love to see one) and I also can not be more inspired by Catelynn than when I found out that she has also been the adoption/birthing coaches for so many other young girls. I love that she does that!

The only thing that I felt was missing from this book were pictures. It didn't take away from the book at all, but I really do love memoirs with pictures, then again I could just stalk their social medias. 

Pages: 150                                                                        Rate: 5/5

Book Discussion: 

I don't really have anything in mind for a book discussion but if you want to know more of my thoughts, feel free to leave comments.

Favorite Quote:

“Children and babies are the most innocent, vulnerable, helpless creatures on the planet. They’re relying on you for everything. Their lives will be defined by the choices made by the adults around them.”