Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Book Tag Tuesday: Would You Rather?

I do not plan on doing a book tag every Tuesday. When I find a tag that I find interesting, I will do it, and post it for the next available Tuesday. Do not expect one every Tuesday!!!

Would you rather read only a series or stand-alone books?
This is difficult for me to answer because I love so many of both. If I had to choose... I think that I would choose to read series, mainly because I get so attached to characters and worlds and series allow me to live in them longer. 

Would you rather read a book whose main character is male or female?
I usually gravitate towards a book with a female protagonist because I can more readily relate to a female, as I am one myself. But don't get me wrong, some of m favorite books have male protagonists. For example one of my favorite stand-alones, Looking For Alaska by John Green, has a male main character. My all time favorite series, Harry Potter by JK Rowling, has a male main character.

Would you rather shop at only Barnes & Nobel (or other actual book store) or Amazon?
There is no doubt in my mind that I would choose Barnes & Nobel (or other actual book store). I love being in a book store surrounded by others who love books. 

Would you rather all books become movies or TV shows?
Movies. With TV shows there is so much more of a chance for the story to be messed with, for the beauty of the book to be lost.

Would you rather read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
If I had the time to read 5 books per week my life would be amazing!!! Lately, I barely have time to read 5 pages per week with the amount of homework that I have.

Would you rather be a professional book reviewer or author?
Author. I haven't found my voice in my writing yet, but author definitely.

Would you rather read the same 20 books over and over or read a new book every 6 months?
This one is probably the toughest question on here.... a new book every 6 months. Even though I read quickly, I would just reread that book a couple of times. LOOPHOLES!!!!

Would you rather be a librarian or own a book store?
This one was easy for me. I have wanted to own a book store for as long as I can remember. I even have the layout in my head. 

Would you rather only read your favorite genre or favorite author?
Favorite genre because then I could discover new favorite authors. 

Would you rather only read physical books or ebooks?
I love both so much but if I had to choose I would definitely pick physical books because there is just something about holding a book in your hand that makes your day so much better.

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