Friday, August 28, 2015

If I Stay ~ Gayle Forman

In the blink of an eye everything changes. Seventeen year-old Mia has no memory of the accident; she can only recall what happened afterwards, watching her own damaged body being taken from the wreck. Little by little she struggles to put together the pieces - to figure out what she has lost, what she has left, and the very difficult choice she must make.

Book Review:

I read this book a few years back but when I picked it up yesterday I didn't remember anything other than the choice she made in the end. Now I remember being completely intrigued by this novel a few years ago but it didn't do that for me this time around. Don't get me wrong it is a well written book with an interesting plot line, I've still never really read anything like it before, but I feel like it needed more depth and direction. 

I really like Mia. You can tell how much she loves her family and how she feels about being so different than them. You can feel the love that she has for Adam even though they are so young and have similar yet very different plans for their lives. I also love how she describes her relationship with her little brother, as an older sister to kids 1 year, 2 years, 6 years, 7 years, and 16 years younger than me I get how she has helped raise him because they are 9 years apart. That is a special relationship. Also she and I share a very big part of our lives, we both saw our mothers give birth, cut the umbilical cords, and were the first person the babies saw. That is a special bond, one like no other. 

Now though I love Mia, I feel that there was no character development for the other characters. Now a lot of that is due to how the book is written, through her eyes while having her out of body experience and reliving moments of her life. But I feel like there could have been more character development for Adam at least and even Mia. Mia did have some development but I still feel like there could have been so much more for her. 

The book was good  and I remember that I liked the second one better even a few years ago. I am hoping that that is still the case. This book is especially good for readers who are looking for a quick, easy, but yet interesting read.

Pages: 210                                                                                            Rate: 2/5

Book Discussion: SPOILERS:

I don't really have much to discuss about the book other than Mia's choice. In the end, Mia chooses to live without really making the decision. It just kind of happens. One minute she is watching Adam cry and the next she is able to squeeze her hand and hear him through her actual ears. I just found that strangely interesting. 

Favorite Quote:

"And that's just it, isn't it? That's how we manage to survive the loss. Because love, it never dies, it never goes away, so long as you hang on to it."

I've lost many people in my life, and this really is the only quote that I can think of that really seems to explain how we survive that pain.  

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