Thursday, November 1, 2018

October Stories I Ate This Month


  • North Country
    • I had to watch this in my three-hour class. It was about a real court case from women who were sexually harassed or assaulted while at work in a steel mine. It was an interesting take on what happened while still following much of the truth.
    • A
TV Shows
  • Arrow - season 6
    • I love the Arrowverse as you should know by now. However, this season of Arrow was really slow for me. We would think that Oliver was off the hook, then he wouldn't be but the change was never a big twist, you could see it coming from miles away. Plus, I love the team aspect of Arrow and to see that so broken this season made my hear hurt.
    • B
  • The Mind of Jake Paul - Shane Dawson's Youtube Docu-series
    • So fucking mind-blowing, as all of Shane's series have been as of late. However, for being the longest, it didn't feel it. It was so genuinely good. Many people had qualms about how Shane approached the mental health issues. I found that he was genuinely trying to understand the topic but may have taken it a bit far in production. Also, people had an issue with Jake not showing up until part 5. I think that all of the episodes leading up to Jake were necessary. 
    • A+
  • Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore - Matthew Sullivan
    • Kept me on the edge of my seat while making me second guess every memory that I have. A really good fiction listen too. I typically struggle with audiobooks that aren't non-fiction, but I had no problem following along with this one. 
    • A+
  • Marita: The Spy Who Loved Castro - Marita Lorenz
    • This was such an interesting read about a lot of topics that we never discussed in history class about Cuba, Fidel, Communism, the CIA, etc. I knew that the US had attempted to kill Fidel Castro, but I never knew how. I truly feel for Marita. She loved that man, she loved the baby that was torn from her, and this woman was put through hell throughout her life.
    • A+
  • Hunting Prince Dracula - Kerri Maniscalco
    • Such a good sequel. I continued to love the relationship between Thomas and Audrey. The setting was quite unique as well. I can't wait to do a review of the series for you guys. 
    • A+
  • Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Vol. 1: The Crucible - Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Robert Hack
    • I grew up watching Sabrina The Teenage Witch and I am excited to watch the show based on these comics. The world is so different from the one that I loved growing up, but I am obsessed with the creepy atmosphere and can't wait to continue with the series and watch the Netflix show. 
    • A+